Thursday, June 22, 2023

Angels and Demons End Of Sprint 3


Tweaks made to the body of the human sculpt from feedback from Patrick while waiting for rigs from Nassir. This next sprint will be focusing on turning these folks into trees. 

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Pumpkin House Week 1 Start


Week 1: Blockout Start
Week 2: Blockout Finish, Sculpt
Week 3: Sculpt Finish, Retopo + Scene setup + First Pass Texture
Week 4: Final Pass Texture, Final Pass Lighting

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Wizard's House Week 4 Pending


Here is where the sculpt presently stands. When complete I intend to export the meshes back into Maya and retopo them, and then assemble them as there are many repeating components so I only selected a few to sculpt in ZBrush. 

Here is a comparison of the completed mesh to better visualize what I will be using repeated instances of various meshes for. 

Wizard's House Week 3 Update - Late


This is the week 3 update of a completed proxy, as you can see I am well behind. Every time I look at this concept art, I notice another thing to be created. Thankfully, a lot of this is repeatable, so the sculpting will hopefully go faster. Here is what the proxy looks like in a product shot in unreal. 

Final Week Final Turnin

  For this week I have been working on retopolgy, and will continue to do so.